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Tag: Digital Strategy

Blog > Digital Strategy

Agile Transformation, Collaboration, Complexity, Continuous Improvement, Digital Strategy, Leadership, Learning, Software Engineering, Strategy

Cynefin 101

Cynefin is a sensemaking framework that helps teams conceptualize different types of problems and agree...

Data, Digital Strategy

Looker in the Limelight

Two major announcements hit headlines in June 2019: Salesforce acquired Tableau Software and Google acquired...

Data, Digital Strategy

Four Reflections from Judging the 2019 MERL Tech Dashboards Competition

Data visualization (viz) has come a long way in our MERL Tech community. Four years...

Data, Digital Strategy

What Word Captures a Decade in Data Visualization?

Over the past ten years working on data visualization in public health, I’ve been part...

Digital Strategy

Understanding What your Data is Saying

Data is everywhere in today’s world. There’s more and more of it available and to...